The ESSSC has an active and committed rescue program. Our club members who handle rescues are also breed representatives for the Seattle Purebred Dog Rescue. Since we began a serious rescue program in 1987, we have placed over 400 Shelties into new homes. Our rescue is done through SPDR, using their application forms.
Our rescue is basically a referral service. We have adopters waiting for Shelties, and when one becomes available either in a shelter or from private owners, we can refer the adopter to the shelter or owner. We also foster dogs, mainly when necessary and usually only dogs who have been in shelters and are facing euthanasia because their time is up. We have also fostered injured or ill dogs expected to recover, as well as mothers with puppies. Club members will take back any dogs that they have bred.
If you are interested in adopting a Sheltie, you will need to submit an adoption application from SPDR. You may obtain an application by printing it from the SPDR website, www.spdrdogs.org.
If you need to find a new home for a Sheltie you own, please submit a listing agreement from SPDR (form can be printed from SPDR website). This is a form with information that you provide about your dog that will help us choose the best fit from our potential adopters. You keep your dog, if able, while the process is ongoing and approve the adopter. .
![]() Some of the rescue Shelties live or have lived at the home of Lynn Erckmann, our rescue chairperson.